Profile 140492
Praveen Kumar

- GenderMale
- Date of BirthFebruary 21, 1982
- Age42
- Height6ft - 182cm
- Physical StatusNormal
- Marital StatusDivorced
- Mother TongueTelugu
Education and Profession
- EducationMasters-Others
- OccupationOther
- Annual Income12 lakhs and above
- Property Worth
- Country of residenceIndia
- Residing TownBangalore
- CitizenshipIndia
- ReligionHindu
- CasteScheduled Caste
- SubCasteMadiga
- CasteNobarNo
- GotramPalavelli
More Details
- StarUttarashada
- Kuja DoshamNo
Family Details
Mom & Dad retired govt employees. I have 3 elder sisters,All of them married and doing jobs
More about Me
I have a Master's degree and I am employed in the private Sector as a subject matter expert currently based in Bangalore. I belong to a middle class, nuclear family with moderate values.
My Preferred Partner
I am looking for a soulmate, who is understanding, caring, down-to-earth, lives and enjoys every moment of life, should have a strong inclination for values & morals and respects elders & family values