Profile 140478
Ankireedy Sreedhar reddy

- GenderMale
- Date of BirthOctober 3, 1991
- Age33
- Height5ft 1in - 154cm
- Physical StatusNormal
- Marital StatusUnmarried
- Mother TongueTelugu
Education and Profession
- EducationBachelors-Computers
- OccupationFarmer
- Annual Income3,60,000 to 7,20,000
- Property Worth1.2 crore
- Country of residenceIndia
- Residing TownNear tadipatri
- CitizenshipIndia
- ReligionHindu
- CasteReddy
- SubCasteKapu
- CasteNobarYes
- GotramSandrakatte
More Details
- StarSwathi
- Kuja DoshamNo
Family Details
Father : sudhakar reddy (expired)
Mother: alivelamma (house wife )
Brother : Himapal reddy (un married )
Sister :Sailaja (married )
More about Me
I prefer to live life along with respecting others feelings...
My Preferred Partner
I prefer someone one who respects me and my family, I be the same