Profile 140205

Profile posted by: Self

Profile posted on: May 17, 2021

Viewed: 1

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Prasad masade


  • GenderMale
  • Date of BirthJuly 16, 1984
  • Age40
  • Height5ft 5in - 165cm
  • Physical StatusNormal
  • Marital StatusUnmarried
  • Mother TongueTelugu

Education and Profession

  • EducationBachelors-Others
  • OccupationBusiness Person
  • Annual Income3,60,000 to 7,20,000
  • Property Worth15 crores


  • Country of residenceIndia
  • Residing TownASIFABAD
  • CitizenshipIndia


  • ReligionHindu
  • CasteBrahmin
  • SubCastedeshastha
  • CasteNobarNo
  • GotramModgalya

More Details

  • StarDhanistta
  • Kuja DoshamNo

Family Details

Father got retd from Govt service as a Class 1 officer , Mother is a Home maker Brother works for the Govt as a Pharmacist

More about Me

Iam Prasad Masade

My Preferred Partner

Looking for Good Looking Cultural nd Traditional girl